Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Lately, I've been feeling sorry for myself....Time for a change!...Got to stop being unhappy with where I'm at with my life currently. Where I am is a result of my own actions and/or mistakes, so now that I am where I am, I need to become content with and do the best with what I have, but desire a greater future at the same time...



Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Black History Month 3s


This picture is completely unaltered [no Photoshop]





It is one of the sayings at my school [George Mason University], and I'm going to start literally living on a prayer [again]. I've grown away from God, I used to be a man prayer but I strayed away from that...That's gotta change. I think I'm learning how to balance my life spiritually. Before, I went to the extreme, which kind of caused me to turn away...But you know what, Jesus is my homie, and I'm going to start hittin him up more often. I used to be the type of person, who would pray for something, but take no actions of my own to make that something happen...So now when I pray for a change in my life, I'm going to pray to God to give me the strength to make that change happen.


Monday, January 31, 2011




"Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself; I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I’m going to be happy in it"
-Groucho Marx


It's crazy when I look at the person I am today....I've changed drastically the past few years, And it makes me wonder....How have I grown?...Have I even grown at all?...Many of my weak points are the same ones, I've had for quite some time, and a lot of them have gotten worse.....To be quite frank, I'm not sure if I like who I am right now....Maybe I shouldn't say it that way;sounds like I'm a different person...I'm the same person I've always been,....Rather I don't like the way I currently perceive the world. I used to be wonderer, see beauty in the simple things, now I just take things for what they are....I used to consider my self intelligent, but now I haven't been making smart choices, or reacting to things correctly...I feel like I've downgraded, mentally,  physically, and spiritually...Its crazy....Not crazy just out of mind and out of my understanding.BLAH.If you asked me this time next year, what I would want to be doing right now I would've told you that I wanted to have great grades, on my grind with my school work, one of the most well known freshmen on campus, and running track....None of which are the case right now....In about two weeks I might not even be in school anymore.... technically speaking I'm not in school right now, I'm just at school......*Heavy Sigh.....I'm laying here feeling sorry for myself....That's not going to work....I don't like how I am right now, so what makes the most sense to do is to change it.




Decided I'm going to start blogging again, and actually keep up with it. This time, I'm not going to advertise it though. If you come across it, welcome, if not....well I guess that doesn't really matter because you wouldn't be reading this anyway....So get ready to witness splurges from my mind that are too long or personal for twitter [follow me @ThouArtSheed], as well as posts pertaining to the vast amount of things that interest me, as well as random stuff I find on StumbleUpon.......Let us begin [again].

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Welcome Vagabonds

First post in the blog, shout out to Chris Edwards for showing me how to set this ish up. The blog will be for people who when asked where they are going, they answer and say they'll tell you when they get there. Life is not about the destination but the journey that gets you there. This will be the tales of what flows from a vagabonds mind, everything from personal emo crap to who I'm bumpin musically at the moment. Music, fashion, lifestyle, and sports if I feel interested at the moment. Lets blog....